FPGA Based Signal Security Using FHSS

Security of the data, information is the major topic of concern in the today’s world of technology. Only password protection security is not sufficient from the intentional interference of data. This work is based on the data protection using FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) which is one of the best techniques in the field of communication where the data is hidden in the background noise by modulating it with high frequency carrier and spreading its bandwidth using pseudorandom sequence [1]. As FPGA’s makes the hardware implementation simple because of its advantages of high speed, flexibility, etc. [2]. The main objective of this work is to build the hardware implementation of FHSS transmitter using FPGA having Xilinx Simulator and verifying the result on Spectrum Analyzer. On the similar hands the receiver can also be design. Along with this, this paper will be giving idea of how the lives can be saved of people living on coastal areas and protection of country using FHSS.
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