Application of combined technique for laparotomy wound closure in urgent surgery

Aim. To improve the results of patients’ treatment after midline laparotomy by reducing the number of the postoperative ventral hernias and eventrations. Materials and methods. There were examined 111 urgent patients, operated through the median laparotomic approach. The main group included 48 persons, for whom,on completion of intervention,the white line was sutured with a chess-staggered suture(patent of RF № 2644846, 14.02.18). In the control group, for median aponeurosis interrupted sutures were used. Results. In the early postoperative period, in the control group there were 2 (3 %) eventrations, in the main group – no eventrations. After one year of observations, in the main group – 3 (6 %) patients with aponeurosis defects by the postoperative scar USI and 2 (4 %) patients with hernias were found out. In the control, one year after the surgery, there were 6 (9.5 %) aponeurosis defects and 5 (8 %) postoperative hernias. Conclusions. Application of interrupted chess suture in combination with staggered sutures is the way to prevent eventrations and postoperative ventral hernias in urgent surgery.
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