The morphological changes of mucous membrane of stomach and duodenum of contractor organization personnel, which works in radiation hazard conditions at the object Shelter of Chornobyl NPP.

Аim: The determination of morphological features of stomach and duodenum mucous of membrane (MM) damage at a personnel that works in radiation hazard conditions at the object of "Shelter" of Chornobyl NPP (OS) by the endoscopic monitoring with biopsy material inspection from a gastro-duodenal zone on the stages of check - in (InC) and the special medical control (SpC).the complex clinical-endoscopic and morphological examination with the biopsy of MM of stomach and duodenum in 126 workers of OS (man in the age from 20 to 59) was carried out. Doses of external radiation exposure were from 0,14 to 79,6 mSv, доза internal radiation exposure were from 0,1 to 3 mSv/Results: For the personnel of OS contract organisations differently directed pathomorphological changes of MM at InC and increase of frequency of their exposure at an inspection during SC, that generally correspond to chronic H.pylori-associated pangastritis with violation of microcirculation and trophism, disregeneration changes of epithelial layer.for the personnel of contract organizations, which participated in radiation hazard works on ОS a presence of chronic H.pylori-associated pangastritis with the increase of frequency of atrophic changes of MM (nonmetaplastic or metaplastic type) and development of erosive-ulcerous defects of gastro-duodenal zone was founded out.For workers, who had previous influence of ionizing irradiation the greater frequency of disregeneration (hyperplasia / intestinal metaplasia) changes of epithelium that accordingly promotes the risk of neoplasmes transformations was clarified.Providing of EGDFS (at a necessity with the biopsy of MM) is at InC and next stages of medical control for personnel, that executes radiation hazard works on ОS is the highly informative evidential and necessary method of inspection for determination of form and degree of pathological changes of overhead departments of gastrointestinal tract for warning of progress of disease and development of complications, maintenance of workers health and workability.
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