Antibiotic-induced changes in the microbiota disrupt redox dynamics in the gut

The gut is home to a large and diverse community of bacteria and other microbes, known as the gut microbiota. The makeup of this community is important for the health of both the host and its residents. For instance, many gut bacteria help to digest food or keep disease-causing bacteria in check. In return, the host provides them with nutrients. When this balance is disturbed, the host is exposed to risks such as infections. In particular, treatments with antibiotics that kill gut bacteria can lead to side effects like diarrhea, because the gut becomes recolonized with harmful bacteria including Clostridium difficile and Salmonella. Reese et al. have now investigated what happens to the gut environment after antibiotic treatment and how the gut microbiota recovers. Mice treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics showed an increase in the “redox potential” of their gut environment. Redox potential captures a number of measures of the chemical makeup of an environment, and provides an estimate for how efficiently some bacteria in that environment can grow. Some of the change in redox potential came from the host’s own immune system releasing chemicals as it reacted to the effects of the treatment. However, Reese et al. found that treating gut bacteria in an artificial gut – which has no immune system – also increased the redox potential. This experiment suggests that bacteria actively shape their chemical environment in the gut. After the treatment, bacteria that thrive under high redox potentials, which include some disease-causing species, recovered first and fastest. This, in turn, helped to bring redox potential back to how it was before the treatment. Although the gut’s chemical environment recovered, some bacterial species were wiped out by the antibiotic treatment. The microbiota only returned to its previous state when the treated mice were housed together with non-treated mice. This was expected because mice that live together commonly exchange microbes, for instance by eating each other’s feces, and the treated mice received new species to replenish their microbiota. These findings are important because they show that the chemical environment shapes and is shaped by the bacterial communities in the gut. Future research may investigate if altering redox potential in the gut could help to keep the microbiota healthier in infections and diseases of the digestive tract.
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