Evaluation of the portal venous system before liver transplantation : value of phase-contrast MR angiography

The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of phase-contrast MR angiography with gadolinium in evaluating the patency and blood flow direction of the portal venous system; the presence, extent, and type of varices; and the patency of surgical decompressive shunts in patients before liver transplantation. This information is essential in management and care of patients with chronic liver disease and portal hypertension and those who are candidates for liver transplantation.Twenty-four patients with portal venous hypertension were evaluated with phase-contrast MR angiography. Two patients had surgical splenorenal shunts and one had a mesocaval shunt. Phase-contrast angiograms were acquired as a series of two-dimensional sequential coronal sections during breath-holding and after IV administration of gadopentetate dimeglumine. Correlative findings from color flow Doppler sonography, contrast-enhanced CT scanning, and conventional angiography were available in 23, 20, and 10 patients, respectively, ...
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