Stylistic Analysis of the Poem "Leisure"

Today the trends and priorities of modern man have been set on a new pattern. The fabric of social life has been changed. The pre-occupations of man are in abundance and multi-layered. The scientific inventions have made the life of people hurried, rushed and monotonous. They were made to facilitate man and to save time but the scientific advancement has deprived man of leisure. Beauty of nature is present with its full charm and fascination. Allah almighty created it for man. But modern man has indulged himself in material matters. All the times he is hankering after wealth, fame and status. He is, fully or partially ignoring the natural phenomena which are a great gift of God for mankind. The company of nature can release man from his tension and a lot of psychological problems. Nature is peace giving. It is very necessary for man to enjoy beauty of nature for his mental and physical health. The poem, Leisure, expresses the same idea in a simple and frank manner. Through stylistic analysis of the poem, we would try to highlight the beauty of nature so that modern man can be motivated to enjoy it.
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