Generation of Measurement Data Set for the GGTO simulation

INTRODUCTION Interoperability between GPS and Galileo can improve the performance and reliability through the use of a combined single receiver. The time offset between GPS and Galileo system times is known as GPS-Galileo Time Offset (GGTO) [1]. As we know, the GPS and Galileo timescales are not the same because Galileo navigation system will use an independent timescale as a reference for the determination of satellite orbit and clock parameters. GPS satellites provide navigation information referenced to GPS Time (GPST) and Galileo satellites provide navigation information referenced to Galileo System Time (GST). GGTO is needed to enable users to compute a single navigation solution based on both Galileo and GPS, with all clocks referenced to a single time scale. Both GST and GPST are real-time realizations of UTC/UTC(k) laboratories they reflect, modulo whole seconds. If the offset between GST and GPST is made available to the user, interoperability is enhanced [2]. Preceding the full service of GGTO, it is necessary that the verification of utilization and its reliance on interoperability should be done by simulation. For this purpose, we make the two constellation system time and measurement data set from UTC(KRIS) and GPS actual data, and describe their process and result on this paper. This study is one of result undertaken as part of the “PROGENY” project funded by the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA). An official European Union Regulatory Authority, the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA) manages all public interests related to European GNSS programmes.
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