Usefulness of Scheimpflug photography to follow up Wilson's disease.

A 24-year old female with ocular changes (Kayser-Fleischer ring and sunflower cataract) indicating Wilson’s disease was followed up from 9 years of age with anterior eye segment image documentation by Scheimpflug photography. A low copper diet and systemic D-penicillamine were administered after the initial diagnosis of Wilson’s disease. During a 15-year follow-up period, the yellowish/brown-colored granular opacification on the anterior lens capsule and/or in the capsule has mostly disappeared and instead, the same type of opacification has emerged on the posterior lens capsule, showing rather progressive changes compared with the initial findings. These changes which had developed in the lens during the past 15 years were difficult to detect by slit lamp examination alone, but they were clearly revealed by Scheimpflug slit images. To our knowledge this is the first case report on ocular changes disclosed through the application of a newly developed anterior eye segment examination. Ergo, Scheimpflug photography is valuable for follow-up studies of ocular complications seen in patients with Wilson’s disease.
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