Methods:Theserumspecimenswerecollectedfromwomenduringtheirregularantenatalcheckup,in,was includedinthestudy.SpecimensweretestedatNPHLeveryweekfollowingstandardoperatingprotocolofNPHL utilizingHumanELISA(German)kitsandreagents.Theresultsofthetestsalongwiththeclinicalhistoriescollected fromthepatientonaproformafilecarriedbythepatientswereanalyzedfollowingstandardstatisticaltools.

ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION Rubella is caused by Rubella virus; an enveloped, non-segmented, positive sense RNA virus, which was first isolated in cell culture in 1962 by Perkman and Weller. 1,2 It is a non-arthropod borne Toga virus which is the only member of the genus Rubi virus. 3 Rubella usually with minor complications when contracted by pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy, can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, or an infant born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). 4,5 Some defects associated with CRS may be recognizable at birth, while others are detected months or even years later. 6,7 The consequences of rubella infection in pregnant women is disastrous, so this study aims to find out the significance of rubella infection in women visiting NPHL for antenatal checkup. METHODS This is a cross sectional descriptive study based at National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL), Teku, Kathmandu from January 2006 to December 2008. The ethical approval and patient consent has been taken prior the sample collection. A total of 1092 blood samples during the three years study period, were collected from women of age 15 to 45 years, referred by the respective
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