Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Jasminum sambac (L.) Ait. (var. Bell of India) Leaves

A b s t r a c t K e y w o r d s The ethanol (50%) extract of the leaves of Jasminum sambac (var. Bell of India) was investigated for its anti-inflammatory activities in animal models. Anti-inflammatory activity was studied in Albino rats using carrageenan induced hind paw oedema and cotton pellet induced granuloma model. The extract at 100, 200 and 400mg/kg body weight reduced significantly the formation of oedema by carrageenan and granuloma weight in the cotton pellet as compared to control rats. The extract caused dose dependent decrease paw oedema and weight of granuloma. The ethanolic (50%) extract at and 400mg/kg b.wt. exhibited potential anti-inflammatory activity when compared with other doses of plant extract in carrageenan induced method and cotton pellet method. The effect was also comparable to dichlofenac, the standard drug in this study.
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