Hospital Preparedness for Emergency in India (Hope-I) To combat Covid -19 Outbreaks

India has been habitually susceptible to natural disasters onaccount of its unique geo-climatic conditions. Droughts, earthquakes, landslides, cyclones, and floods, are regular phenomena.In last few decades India has witnessed an increased frequency in disasters causingtremendous human casualties, in terms of loss of life and disabilityin addition to huge economic losses. Although these may not betotally preventable but can be and minimize effective planning. During Jan2020 WHO declares COVID-19 as a pandemic disease, which spread very rapidly from human to human by personal contact with infected one, air droplets during sneezing, coughing and handshakes of Coronavirus affected person. Since there is no vaccine is identified yet and lacks of specific treatment the preventive preparedness in hospitals will ultimately stops the spread of diseases to the health care workers form the affected patient. Healthcare worker is the primary hope to combat the covid-19, if they got affected infected there in none to save the life of the virus victims. Hence the hospital preparedness and the training will impart the knowledge and provide best health care to the public. This guideline will provide the information to the hospitals come forward to work for the pandemic COVID-19 treatment.
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