Variables cienciométricas de Multimed Revista Médica

Introduction : the analysis and evaluation of information and knowledge resulting from scientific activity is an essential element for all public research programs. Objective : to characterize the visibility and productivity of the Medical Journal Multimed from Granma province through scienciometric variables based on data on Google Scholar. Material and methods : a bibliometric study was carried out. The variables used were scientometrics indicators provided by the database that was used. The number of articles published was related to the number of authors participating in the research. The articles quoted, number of citations, authors and year were revealed. The search for the indicators was done by entering in the navigation box of Publish or Perish the name of the medical journal and it's ISSN (International Serial Standard Number). Results : in the four years that were taken as reference for the analysis of the indicators, 392 articles were published, of which only 13 were cited in a total of 16 bibliographic cites. The h index of 2 was equal to the g index; 141 articles were published with three authors and in minor amount with one author and more than five. Only three articles showed more quotations from the thirteen that contributed. Conclusions : scientific indicators that obstruct visibility and productivity are shown. Articles with a low number of authors predominated, reflecting the standards of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, and there were few cited works that benefited the indicators studied.
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