Regression of Mediterranean seagrasses caused by natural processes and anthropogenic disturbances and stress: a critical review.

Seagrass meadows are considered to be among the most important marine ecosystems, with regard to both ecology and biodiversity and for the services they provide. Seven species occur in the Mediterranean Sea: Posidonia oceanica (the most common in the open sea), Cymodocea nodosa (particularly common in the eastern basin), Ruppia cirrhosa , R. maritima, Zostera marina and Zostera noltii (mainly in estuaries and brackish lagoons), and Halophila stipulacea (introduced from the Red Sea). Seagrass regression may be due to natural processes and/or natural or anthropogenic disturbances and stress. It can also be due to long-term climate trends, e.g., the post-Last Glacial Maximum rise in sea-level, the Little Ice Age (LIA) cooling and the post-LIA warming, resulting in possible misinterpretation. Human-induced losses of P. oceanica have been mainly related to coastal development, pollution, trawling, fish farming, moorings, dredging, dumping and introduced species. All other seagrasses have also undergone more or less dramatic regression events. In fact, accurate data are generally of very local value and they are lacking for most of the Mediterranean Sea. In the absence of a reliable baseline, some widely cited cases of regression are questionable. Relatively healthy P. oceanica meadows, whose limits have changed little since the 1950s, may thrive in highly anthropized areas. In addition, the decline of one species can benefit another, so that the overall seagrass balance
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