Amino acid sequence of the tryptic SH-peptide of thermitase, a thermostable serine proteinase from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris. Relation to the subtilisins.

The following amino acid sequence of the tryptic SH-peptide of thermitase, a thermostable serine proteinase from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, was determined: Val - Val - Gly - Gly - Trp - Asp - Phe - Val-Asp-Asn-Asp-Ser-Thr-Pro-Gln-Asn - Gly - Asn - Gly -His64- Gly - Thr - His -Cys68 - Ala-Gly-Ile-Ala-Ala-Ala-Val-Thr-Asn - Asn - Ser - Thr - Gly - Ile - Ala - Gly - Thr - Ala - Pro - Lys. This sequence shows homology with the highly conservative part of the subtilisin sequences around the active site His-64. The single cysteine residue of thermitase is localized near this histidine residue thus replacing valine in position 68 (according to the numbering of the subtilisins). This becomes evident also from the specific labeling of the active site histidine with a radioactive inhibitor (Z-Ala-Ala-Phe-14CH2-Cl). The tryptic SH-peptide isolated from the modified enzyme contains all the radioactivity and has the same end group and amino acid composition as the tryptic peptide isolated from the tryptic digest of the unlabeled enzyme and subjected to sequential analysis. From sequence homology as well as from secondary structure predictions it may be concluded that the geometry of the active site of thermitase is very similar to that of the subtilisins with the cysteine residue nearby. The inactivation of thermitase by labeling of the SH-group with mercury compounds may then be due to a sterical hindrance or to a more direct interaction of the mercury atom with the charge relay system of the enzyme.
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