Experience in personalized cell therapy clinical implementation for treatment of patients with primary endothelial dystrophy after phacoemulsification

The article presents treatment results of the personalized cell therapy (PCT) method in patients with early post-operative bullous keratopathy which developed in eyes with pre-existing primary Fuchs’ corneal endothelial dystrophy (ED). The patented PCT consists in incubating in vitro the patient’s blood with the stimulator (polyA:polyU), collecting serum with activated leukocytes weighted in it, and introducing the obtained cell preparation in the anterior chamber of the patient’s eye. The study included 12 patients with ED and pseudophakia. The observation period ranged from 8 to 12 months. The therapeutic effect of PCT was obtained in 58.3% of cases, allowing to avoid further surgical procedures. To achieve a good therapeutic effect, several PCT sessions are recommended. To date, PCT is the only effective therapeutic treatment method for early corneal edema after phacoemulsification.
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