Erratum to: Engineering of Landau–Zener tunneling

In the original publication of the article, the inset of Fig. 2 was published incorrectly. The correct inset of Fig. 2 is reported here. The tunneling of an initial quantum wave packet prepared in the ground band of a periodic lattice was studied in Ref. [1] for the first time in a time-resolved manner. If the initial wave packet is of a size in momentum space much smaller than the Brillouin zone of the lattice, the survival probability of this packet when accelerated toward the Brillouin zone shows a characteristic step-like structure [1]. The details of the survival probability were analyzed in more detail in Refs. [2, 3]. The widths of the steps were studied as a function of the extension of the initial state in momentum space in Fig. 2 of Ref. [2]. In this figure, the data shown in the inset are not correct. The inset should be substituted by Fig. 1 below. Details on the shown quantities and units are found in [2, 3].
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