Padrões de Ventilação em Anestesia. Estudo Retrospectivo * Ventilation in Anesthesia. A Retrospective Study

SUMMARY Vieira JE, Silva BAR, Garcia JrD-Ventilation in Anesthesia. ARetrospective Study Background and Objectives - Lung mechanics impairment,Functional Residual Capacity decrease and atelectasis havebeen described during general anesthesia. This study aimed atretrospectively evaluating ventilation standards in place at theCentral Institute, Hospital das Clinicas, Medical School, Uni-versity of Sao Paulo (HCFMUSP). Methods - Data on 240 patients under general anesthesia,neuromuscular block and mechanical ventilation were re-corded. Ventilation standards - tidal volume in ml (VT), respira-tory rate per minute, airway pressure in cmH 2 O, fresh gas flowinL.min -1 ,SpO 2 andP ET CO 2 -wererecorded,aswellasgender,age, weight and height. Body mass index (BMI) was calculatedand patients were distributed in four groups: BMI 30 kg/m 2 . Results -There has been a linear correlation between tidalvolume (VT) and weight (r=0.640), and BMI (r=0.467). VT bybody mass (
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