Public Ubiquitous Computing Systems: Lessons from the e-Campus Display Deployments

Lessons learned from building and deploying three experimental public display systems have general app to many types of public ubicomp deployments. Lancaster University's e-Campus project is exploring the creation of large-scale networked displays as part of a public, interactive pervasive computing environment. For the project, we built and deployed three experimental display systems that vary in technology, location, scale, and user community, and they've given us a rich set of experiences. We've summarized 13 lessons learned from this experience. The lessons certainly apply to researchers planning similar deployments. We also believe they will generalize to other public ubicomp installations. The e-Campus project is embarking on a major new set of deployments. We're using these lessons to help guide our work and we believe the lessons learned will be valuable to all researchers deploying ubicomp systems in public spaces
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