La formación ambiental, contribución a la actualización de los servicios ecosistémicos en áreas protegidas

Environmental training focused on studies of biological diversity contributes to the systematic updating of actors who apply management policies in protected areas. The objective of this article is to establish the contribution of environmental training in updating ecosystem services in protected areas for use in management plans by researchers and specialists. The empirical methods used were: documentary analysis and systematization for the recovery of theoretical and methodological elements produced in a multidisciplinary manner by the project: Current status and comprehensive valuation of ecosystem assets and services of biological diversity in prioritised ecosystems in Pinar del Rio. The techniques used were: discussion group, participant observation and interviews, which allowed a diagnosis of the knowledge of actors associated with management practices on ecosystem services in the protected areas under study, in addition to contributing to the participatory management of the scientific results on biological diversity and ecosystem services of these areas that served as epistemological inputs for the elaboration of an environmental training program that contributes to solving the problem of, how to achieve the socialization of scientific results in the protected areas object of study for the use of researchers and specialists who develop management plans in them? The implementation of the program is an effective result in updating knowledge for management plans in these areas.
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