Experimental estimate of tritium production parameters for RF test blanket module

Abstract Tritium breeding ratio (TBR) is a most value among controlled fusion reactor parameters. One in targets of test blanket module (TBM) program is experimental investigation of the value. On the whole TBR can be submitted for consideration TBR = BTB/BTP (BTB: breaded tritium in blanket; BTP: burned tritium in plasma). To investigate a numerator of the formula a tritium production in breeding zone (TBZ) of the TBM has to be measured under ITER plasma experiments. Tritium and neutron monitoring system with some lithium and neutron sensors are proposed. Lithium ortho -silicate and lithium carbonate and the neutron detectors fit the task. Differences isotope lithum-6 and lithium-7 can be applied. For delivery/withdrawal of the detectors into/from the TBZ a pneumatic concept is suggested with using canals allocated in module. The canals pass through the module back wall and reach the attended area. These canals allow the insertion of activation foil and capsules with material probes during the dwell time or operational pauses. Casks for the detectors and the canal for conveying of the casks in the TBM before pulse and extraction after pulse are presented in this paper.
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