Ballooning of the uterus: a technic for tubal reanastomosis.

Description of the technic of intraoperative salpingochromoscopy using a polyethylene splint and ballooning of the uterus in 2 cases of tubal reanastomosis is given. The operations were performed on the middle third of the oviducts of 2 women who had just undergone Pommeroy sterilization. By ballooning the uterus the polyethylene splint can be placed through the entire lumen of the plasticized oviduct which often cannot be done in other procedures. The prosthesis is then pulled through the dilated cervix into the vagina and taped to the thigh; it should be left in place for 10-14 days. The splint provides the greatest protection for all types of plastic procedures and is the best guarantee of patency. In addition by using a splint perforated over particular areas local medication can be applied to heal traumatized tissues. Further research is being conducted.
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