Research data supporting "Health warning labels and alcohol selection: a randomised controlled experiment in a naturalistic shopping laboratory"

A between-subjects randomised experiment, in a naturalistic shopping laboratory. Participants were adults (n=399) over the age of 18, who purchased beer and wine to drink at home weekly. Participants were randomised to one of three groups varying in the HWL displayed on the packaging of the alcoholic drinks: i. image-and-text HWL (health warning label); ii. text-only HWL; iii. no HWL. Participants completed a shopping task, selecting items from a range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and snacks. The primary outcome was the proportion of alcoholic drinks selected. Secondary outcomes included HWL ratings on negative emotional arousal and label acceptability. The study protocol and a detailed statistical analysis plan were pre-registered (ISRCTN18275963; OSF: Data and data dictionary files can be opened in Excel. The deposit includes the following files: ShopperLabStudy_Protocol_v3.0_20191209 ShopperLabStudy_SAP_v2.0_20200218 ShopperLabStudy_PIS_v1.0_20190624 ShopperLabStudy_Debrief_v1.0_20190624 ShopperLabStudy_ConsentForm_v1.0_20190624 ShopperLabStudy_DataDictionary_v1.0_20200421 ShopperLabStudy_OriginalDatabase_v1.0_20200421 ShopperLabStudy_CodeForRecoding_SPSS(v24)_v1.2_20200303 ShopperLabStudy_CodeAnalysis_SPSS(v24)_v1.2_20200309
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