Life history, oviposition and feeding behavior of Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang is a newly breaking out pest attacking exotic pines with larvae feeding on the inner bark of both lower parts of tree trunks and root collar area. This species required two years to complete one generation in southern Jiangxi, with overwintering by adults in pupal chambers and soil and by larvae in galleries in the bark of host trees. Thermal threshold for development was 8.4℃ for egg and 7.5℃ for pupa. Thermal sum for development was 215.9 day-degrees for egg and 345.3 day-degrees for pupa. Between 13-28℃, the developmental duration was 52.9-11.4 days for egg stage, 60.1-16.4 days for pupal stage between 13-30℃. Larval development lasted for 128.9 days at temperature of 25℃. Adult flight ability was very limited and mainly moved by walking. They became active at night, climbing up trees around sunset and returning to the tree base in the following morning. Adults fed on the inner bark of host branches. Average feeding lasted about 46.3 days before reaching reproductive maturity. Oviposition period was 105.3 days. The eggs were deposited in the outer bark of the stem near the ground. The average fecundity per female was 35.7 eggs. There were five to seven larval instars. Young pine plantations, especially slash pine, were very susceptible to larval attack.
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