Lactoferrin Inhibits the Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Expression and Proteoglycan-Binding Ability of Interleukin-8 in Human Endothelial Cells

Interleukin-8 (IL-8), a C-X-C chemokine bound to endothelium proteoglycans, initiates the activation and selective recruitment of leukocytes at inflammatory foci. We demonstrate that human lactoferrin, an antimicrobial lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein, decreases both IL-8 mRNA and protein expression induced by the complex Escherichia coli 055:B5 LPS/sCD14 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The use of recombinant lactoferrins mutated in the LPS-binding sites indicates that this inhibitory effect is mediated by an interaction of lactoferrin with LPS and CD14s that suppresses the endotoxin biological activity. Furthermore, since dimeric IL-8 and lactoferrin are both proteoglycan-binding molecules, the competition between these proteins for heparin binding was investigated. Lactoferrin strongly inhibited the interaction of radiolabeled IL-8 to immobilized heparin, whereas a lactoferrin variant lacking the amino acid residues essential for heparin binding was not inhibitory. Moreover, this process is specific, since serum transferrin, a glycoprotein whose structure is close to that of lactoferrin, did not prevent the interaction of IL-8 with heparin. These results suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of lactoferrin during septicemia are related, at least in part, to the regulation of IL-8 production and also to the ability of lactoferrin to compete with chemokines for their binding to proteoglycans.
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