Transpression tectonics in the eastern Binalud Mountains, northeast Iran; Insight from finite strain analysis, vorticity and 40Ar/39Ar dating

Abstract Different tectonic episodes from Late Triassic to recent times in the eastern Binalud Mountains have resulted from convergence and transpression between the Turan and Central Iran plates. Heterogeneous deformation and variable portions of pure and simple shear, demonstrated by finite strain and vorticity analysis in the Mashhad metamorphic rocks, indicate strain partitioning during the first tectonic episode. Modern strain partitioning is characterized by reverse and strike-slip faulting along the Neyshabur fault system and Shandiz fault zone in the southern and northern flanks of the eastern Binalud, respectively. Time-transgressive regional deformation migrated from the hinterland of the belt into the foreland basin, from northeast to the southwest of the mountains. Different generations of deformation resulted in obliteration of the subduction-related accretionary wedge, and growth of an orogenic wedge resulted from collision between the Central Iran and Turan plates.
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