Avian visual pigments: characteristics, spectral tuning, and evolution.

Abstract: Birds are highly visual animals with complex visual systems. In this article, we discuss the spectral characteristics and genetic mechanisms of the spectral tuning of avian visual pigments. The avian retina contains a single type of rod, four spectrally distinct types of single cone, and a single type of double cone photoreceptor. Only the single cones are thought to be involved in color discrimination; double cones are thought to be involved in achromatic visual tasks, such as movement detection and pattern recognition. Visual pigment opsin protein genes in birds are orthologous to those in other vertebrates and have a common origin early in vertebrate evolution. Mechanisms of spectral tuning in the different classes of avian cone visual pigments show similarities in most instances to those in other vertebrates. The exception is the ultraviolet/violet (SWS1) class of pigments; phylogenetic evidence indicates that the ancestral vertebrate SWS1 pigment was ultraviolet sensitive (UVS), with differ...
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