A functional assay of protein C in human plasma

Abstract A functional assay for protein C in plasma is described in which barium eluates of plasma are incubated with bovine thrombin and rabbit thrombomodulin to activate protein C. The activated protein C solution is added to an activated partial thromboplastin time (APTTJ system containing normal plasma and an APTT reagent (Dade Actin R ). The prolongation of coagulation time after recalcification in this system is taken as a measure of the anticoagulant activity of protein C. When expressed as per cent of the value in pooled normal plasma, the results obtained by this method in 34 normal controls and in 3 untreated patients with protein C deficiency were very similar to those obtained by radioimmunoassay of protein C. In 2 patients with protein C deficiency and 23 patients without, all on dicoumarol or warfarin treatment, the anticoagulant activity of protein C was less than its antigen concentration. The day to day analytical coefficient of variation (SD/mean) was 12 % at the 100 % level (n=12), and 10 % at the 25 % level (n=12).
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