Perfil sensorial de aguas saborizadas limón y naranja con adición de jarabe de fructooligosacáridos y extracto de cúrcuma: Sensory Profile of flavored waters lemon and orange with addition of fructooligosaccharides syrup and turmeric extract

Se caracterizaron sensorialmente tres aguas saborizadas, limon y naranja, ambas con jarabe de fructooligosacaridos (FOS) y una de sabor naranja con este ingrediente y extracto de curcuma, se utilizaron cinco catadores adiestrados y tres expertos en aromas. En la generacion de los descriptores del agua se aplico el metodo de asociacion controlada. Los descriptores se evaluaron en una escala de 10 cm y los datos se procesaron en Excel. Se obtuvo el perfil sensorial de las aguas saborizadas, en el caso del sabor limon con jarabe de FOS cuenta con 15 descriptores, se distingue por la sensacion de frescor en boca y ligera astringencia, la de sabor naranja con jarabe con FOS se distingue por 19 y posee un regusto a naranja, mientras que la de naranja con jarabe de FOS y extracto de curcuma cuenta con 18 descriptores, y se diferencia por su color amarillo, ligero amargor, su regusto resinoso y astringencia.Palabras clave: agua saborizada, perfil sensorial, jarabe de FOS, extracto de curcuma. ABSTRACTSensory Profile of flavored waters lemon and orange with addition of fructooligosaccharides syrup and turmeric extract Three flavored waters lemon and orange, both with fructooligosaccharides (FOS) syrup, and one of flavor orange with this ingredient and turmeric extract were sensory characterized using five trained tasters and three flavor experts. In the generation of water descriptors, the method of controlled associate on was applied. Descriptors were evaluated in a scale of 10 cm and the data were processed in Excel. Sensory profile of the waters was obtained, in the case of lemon flavor with FOS Syrup has 15 descriptors, and is distinguished by sensation of freshness in the mouth and slight astringency. Orange flavor with FOS syrup with 19, and is distinguished by an orange flavor aftertaste, while the orange with that ingredient and turmeric extract has 18 descriptors and is distinguished by its yellow color, slight bitterness, astringency and its resinous aftertaste. Keywords: flavored water, sensory profile, FOS syrup, turmeric extract.
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