Enabling high volume manufacturing of double patterning immersion lithography with the XLR 600ix ArF light source

Deep ultraviolet (DUV) lithography improvements have been focused on two paths: further increases in the effective numerical aperture (NA) beyond 1.3, and double patterning (DP). High-index solutions for increasing the effective NA have not gained significant momentum due to several technical factors, and have been eclipsed by an aggressive push to make DP a high-volume manufacturing solution. The challenge is to develop a cost-effective solution using a process that effectively doubles the lithography steps required for critical layers, while achieving a higher degree of overlay performance. As a result, the light source requirements for DP fall into 3 main categories: (a) higher power to enable higher throughput on the scanner, (b) lower operating costs to offset the increased number of process steps, and (c) high stability of optical parameters to support more stringent process requirements. The XLR 600i (6kHz, 90W @15mJ) was introduced last year to enable DP by leveraging the higher performance and lower operating costs of the ring architecture XLR 500i (6kHz, 60W @10mJ) platform currently used for 45nm immersion lithography in production around the world. In February 2009, the XLR 600ix was introduced as a 60/90W switchable product to provide flexibility in the transition to higher power requirements as scanner capabilities are enhanced. The XLR 600ix includes improved optics materials to meet reliability requirements while operating at higher internal fluences. In this paper we will illustrate the performance characteristics during extended testing. Examples of performance include polarization stability, divergence and pointing stability, which enable consistent pupil fill under extreme illumination conditions, as well as overall thermal stability which maintains constant beam performance under large changes in laser operating modes. Furthermore, the unique beam uniformity characteristics that the ring architecture generates result in lower peak energy densities that are comparable to those of a typical 60W excimer laser. In combination with the XLR's long pulse duration, this allows for long life scanner optics while operating at 15mJ.
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