Influence on Medication in Pediatric Patients by Application of Enzymatically Modified Stevia in Powdered Medicine.

We studied, the effects of enzymatically modified stevia (Glycosyl stevia, SW) on medication compliance in 126 pediatric patients. SW is produced from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, its safety has been confirmed, and used in many, foods for sweetening. We mixed SW to a 0.5-1% concentration in powdered medicine and evaluated the effect of SW on patient compliance.Medication: Before the SW addition, 42 subjects were administered medicines without sweetening as a powdered form, 14 subjects were administered it as a liquid form, and 70 subjects were administered it as a mixture with juice. After the SW addition, 99 subjects were adminnistered medicine as a powdered form. 20 subjects were given it dissolved in water, and seven subjects had it co-administered with juice.Copmpiiance: Before the addition of SW for the 126 patients, 23% took their Medicine with out difficulty, 66.7%, managed to do: so with some Aevice or other, and 10.3% showed poor compliance. After, the addition of SW for the 126 patients, the compliance, significantly improved. About 80% of patients took their medicine without difficulty, 19% managed to do so with some device or other, and only 2.4% showed difficulty in improving their compliance. These results indicate that the addition of SW to powdered medicine is a useful method for the improving medication compliance in pediatrics patients.
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