NAD pattern and NADH oxidase activity in pea (Pisum sativum L.) under cadmium toxicity

Seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) were germinated for 5 days by soaking in distilled water or 5 mM cadmium chloride. Compared to the control, cadmium (Cd) caused a reduction in percent germination and embryo growth. Pyridine nucleotide coenzyme concentrations were determined in cotyledons and embryonic axis. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) oxidase activity was examined. Cd treatment caused a restriction in levels of reduced coenzyme form in the mitochondria and the post-mitochondrial fraction of cotyledons, and embryonic axis. The oxidized coenzyme form has been accumulated by Cd-treated mitochondria of both tissues. It was also found that NADH oxidase activity was stimulated. The relationship between coenzyme levels, seed germination, pea growth, and Cd stress has been reported.
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