[Self-measurement of blood pressure in hypertensive subjects in Germany. Results of a questionnaire in Spring/early Summer 1993].

The 'cardiovascular hotline' in Heidelberg, established in April 1992, provides data concerning the self-measurement of blood pressure. For this purpose 277 hypertensives were asked from 15 April to 15 July 1993. 195 (70%) of those questioned (47% men, 53% women) practised home-recording, but only 17% on recommendation of their physician. Only 22% were introduced to the technique by experienced personnel; just 50% were adequately controlled. At least 35% of hypertensives used an oscillometric device and not more than 10% an auscultation device. 5 to 14% of the patients reported to have difficulties in handling their device. Approximately 60% of the patients practicing home-recording stated that this method enabled them to cope better with their disease. Compared with the 1987 pilot study in the Hamburg area, this percentage did not increase; however, it could be confirmed that only approximately 10% of the patients are unsuited for home-recording. 75% of the hypertensives measuring their own blood pressure documented their values, but in only 47% of all cases physicians drew conclusions from the data. 31% of the patients were unable to say whether their medication was adjusted on the basis of self-measured blood pressure values. In conclusion, many hypertensives practice self-measurement of blood pressure. Despite this fact, home-readings are not yet sufficiently accepted by physicians as a possible and desirable method to optimize high blood pressure treatment. This situation should be improved since compliance of physicians is the basis for a better education of hypertensive patients, thus optimizing patient compliance.
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