O turismo para além da segmentação: tendências da pós-modernidade

This paper suggests a critical analysis of the changes occurred in Post-Modernity and its influence on tourism. This analysis starts in the Modernity, so we can have a better overview of the next period, which is the chosen time of this research. It examines the prominence of consumption and commoditization process that has spread widely around the world during the Post-Modernity. The matter of consumption is relevant for this work in two aspects. First, as an indispensable social practice that contributes to the formation of identity. Second, as an estimated window that makes possible the observation of the post-modern society, with your desires, trends, expectations, fears and fads. Parallel to this, there is the individualization process of men. The so-called disciplinary society is characterized by the maintenance of a series of mechanisms that makes the men feel less as part of a group. In some ways, this process of individualization is reflected in the consumption. Besides the expansion in variety of products and services, is noticeable that the individuals demand services and products that meet your needs precisely. The consumption becomes a technology of identity construction. Given these changes, the strategy of market segmentation - that is the genesis of tourism segmentation - comes up with the purpose of grouping deals with similar proposals in order to better direct them to their consumers. In the case of tourism, emerges a multitude of designations and typologies, often contradictory. The virtue of segmentation resides in the organization of plethora deal, highly diverse, but, when there are companies that are oriented from what tourists want to feel and create custom packages, the strategy of tourism segmentation is not applicable. If a service is unique - custom - it seems impossible embed it, plausibly, in a segment.
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