Baseline concept for a precise measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillation

A high-density calorimeter, consisting of magnetized planes interleaved by Resistive Plates Chambers (RPCs, Ref. (1)) , as tracking and timing devices, is a good candidate for a new experiment on atmospheric neutrinos. With 34 kt of mass and in four years of data taking, this experiment will be sensitive to νμ→νx oscillation with Δm2>6×10−5 and large mixing, covering the region suggested by the SuperKamiokande results. Moreover, the experimental method will enable to measure the oscillation parameters from the modulation of the L/E spectrum (νμ disappearance). For >m2>3×10−3 eV2, this experiment can also establish whether the oscillation occurs into a tau or a sterile neutrino, by looking for an excess of muon-less events at high energies produced by upward-going tau neutrinos(ντ appearence).
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