Relationship and Analysis of Morphometric and Allometric characteristics in Freshwater crab: Bartytelphusa cunicularies (Westwood, 1836)

The study aims to investigate the relationship between morphometric and allometric analysis of the freshwater crab Barytelphusa cunicularis. Samples of the specimens were collected and examined, damaged crabs with regeneration or anomalous limbs were discarded. A total of 393 specimens were measured with the help of vernier calliper up to 0.01mm accuracy. Each sample were subjected to descriptive analysis that included computations of mean, standard error, median, mode, standard deviation, sample variance, kurtosis, skewness, range, minimum, maximum, sum and count. Regression and frequency was calculated for each group separately. The analysis was based on the biometric data, observing changes in the relative growth of some body parts related to other. The analysis suggests that the relative growth follows the allometric function (y=mx+c).
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