Reproduction of Adenoviral Gizzard Erosion by the Horizontal Transmission of Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 1

The horizontal transmission ability of fowl adenovirus (FAV) serotype 1 99ZH strain, isolated from chickens exhibiting gizzard erosion, was investigated. Twelve 13-day-old specific pathogen-free chickens were inoculated orally with 106 TCID50/0.05 ml of the strain. An in-pen contact group (chickens in the same pen with inoculated chickens), hedge contact group (chickens in a pen connected with pens housing inoculated chickens), non-contact group (chickens in a separate pen placed at a distance of 70 cm from the connected pens), human exposure group (chickens in the next room and attended last every day) and negative control group were examined. Each group consisted of 11 or 12 uninoculated chickens. Gizzard lesions were grossly or histologically observed from 10 days after exposure (DAE) in the in-pen contact group, and from 15 DAE in the hedge contact and non-contact groups. The FAV gene was detected by polymerase chain reaction performed on cloacal swabs taken on 5 and 13 DAE from chickens in both contact groups, and on 20 and 26 DAE from those in the non-contact group. Serum neutralizing antibodies against FAV serotype 1 were detected in chickens from 13 and 26 DAE in both contact groups and in the non-contact group, respectively. In the human exposure and negative control groups, no infection was observed. We conclude that FAV-99ZH strain spreads rapidly through direct contact with inoculated chickens, and slowly through non-contact transmission, and that adenoviral gizzard erosion is reproduced by this horizontal transmission.
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