Solid-phase hexapeptide ligand libraries open up new perspectives in the discovery of biomarkers in human plasma

Abstract Background Pre-treatment of plasma with hexapeptide ligand libraries prior to proteomic analysis is well documented. However, the maintenance of biomarker abundance throughout the different pre-analytical steps is required for a potential application of differential proteomics in clinical studies. Methods We combined the use of an amino-terminal hexapeptide ligand library and its carboxyl-terminal version with a sequential elution strategy of the proteins/peptides bound to the beads, followed by either mass spectrometry or 2D electrophoresis analyses. Results We show the maintenance of C-reactive protein abundance (a marker of inflammation) throughout the process (including hexapeptide bead treatment and proteomic analysis) in patients presenting high and low levels of this protein. In parallel, we assessed the contribution of this workflow to increasing the number of potential biomarkers detected and its suitability for a clinical study on approximately a hundred samples, as well as the reproducibility of the process. Conclusions Pre-treatment with hexapeptide ligand librairies opens up new perspectives in the discovery of biomarkers in human plasma by improving the detection of new species while maintaining their original differential abundance. This approach is also suitable for an application in a clinical proteomic study of at least 100 samples.
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