Renal transplant recipient evaluation.

Urological evaluation is essential to guarantee the success of the kidney transplant. Urologists working within a multidisciplinary team have a crucial role to detect and manage certain recipient urological conditions that could jeopardize the function and survival of the graft.The critical aspects that Urologists should consider in thepre-transplant evaluation would be:- Is renal transplantation surgical technique feasible with assumable risks based on the recipient's baseline characteristics? age, life expectancy, performance status,physical examination...- Is bladder function adequate to properly ensure the urine storage and voiding?- Is there a potentially treatable urinary flow obstruction?- Are there urological pathologies in the recipient that could lead to post-transplant complications that compromise graft survival: functional, infectious, oncological comorbidities…?- Based on the patient's cardiovascular risk factors, arteriosclerosis in the aorto-iliac territory colud put at risk thearterial anastomosis? In this chapter, we will try to explain how the pre-transplant urological evaluation should be guided according to the specific recipient characteristics. We will also explain which pre-transplant surgeries are required to avoid some risky that may compromise the recipient and graft survival after renal transplantation, as well as those should be postponed after transplantation.
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