Развитие государственных услуг, предоставляемых таможенными органами — участникам внешнеэкономической деятельности в сфере защиты прав интеллектуальной собственности на пространстве ЕАЭС

This article is about problems of providing state services by customs authorities for maintaining a unified customs register of intellectual property in electronic form. The purpose: to highlight the features of customs services provided to participants in foreign economic activity and to consider the main opportunities for maintaining a customs register of intellectual property in electronic form. Materials and methods: theoretical foundations of public services provided by customs authorities, the current customs legislation of the EAEU and national legislation regarding the inclusion of intellectual property in the customs registry, system analysis. The results: Using the synthesis method, outstanding unresolved issues are noted in terms of the provision of customs services for maintaining the customs register of intellectual property in electronic form. Conclusion: substantiated the main areas of improvement in the procedure for maintaining the customs register of intellectual property in electronic form.
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