Risiko Penularan Demam Berdarah Dengue berdasarkan Maya Indeks dan Indeks Entomologi di Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten

South Tangerang City become the highest contributor of dengue in 2014 in the province of Banten. The increasing of dengue cases in this city indicates that transmission still ongoing and the vector controlsless optimal. The aim of this study is to assess the transmission risk of dengue in endemic regions based Maya index and Entomology index. This cross sectional study was conducted in three health centers which highest dengue case at last three years that is Benda Baru, Bakti Jaya and Pondok Jagung in June2015. The survey larvae in containers has conducted in 100 houses in each area of the health center,so that the total sample taken is 300 houses. Containers were observed categorized into containers of controlled / Controllable Containers (CC) and containers used / Disposable Container (DC). Datawere analyzed descriptively to determine the proportion of the number and types of containers. Mayaindex obtained from categorization ratio of Breeding Risk Indicator (BRI) and Hygiene Risk Indicator(HRI). Container Index (CI), House Index (HI), Bruteau Index (BI), House Pupa Index (HPI), Pupa Index (PI) were calculated to assess the density of larvae. The results showed 833 containers with 785 containers belonging to CC and 48 included in the DC. The largest of positive Controllable Container inSouth Tangerang City is a bucket (22.7%), bath up (15.5%) and water reservoirs in dispenser (12.4%),while Disposable Container most positive larvae are buckets former (10.3%) and used goods (7.2%).Value Container Index (CI) was 11.7%, House Index (HI) 27.3%, Angka Bebas Jentik (ABJ) 72.7%,and Bruteau Index (BI) 32.3%. The number of pupae depicted with PI 29.3% and HPI 2.7% which is relatively low. Based on Maya index and Entomology index South Tangerang city has a moderate risk level in the transmission of dengue. Keywords: DBD, Entomology Index, Maya index, South Tangerang City Abstrak Kota Tangerang Selatan menjadi penyumbang tertinggi DBD tahun 2014 di Provinsi Banten. Peningkatan kasus DBD tiap tahun di wilayah ini menunjukkan penularan masih berlangsung dan upaya pengendalian yang dilakukan kurang optimal. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan penelitian untuk menilai risiko penularan DBD di wilayah endemis DBD berdasarkan Maya Indeks dan indeks entomologi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan potong lintang di tiga puskesmas endemis tertinggi tiga tahun terakhir yaitu Benda Baru,Bakti Jaya dan Pondok Jagung Kota Tangerang Selatan bulan Juni 2015. Survei jentik pada kontainerdi 100 rumah di masing-masing wilayah puskesmas sehingga total sampel yang diambil adalah 300rumah. Kontainer yang diamati dikategorikan menjadi kontainer terkendali/Controllable Containers (CC)dan kontainer bekas/Disposable Container (DC). Data dianalisa secara deskriptif untuk menentukan proporsi jumlah dan jenis kontainer. Maya Indeks diperoleh dari hasil pengkategorian rasio Breeding Risk Indicator (BRI) dan Hygiene Risk Indicator (HRI), Container Index (CI), House Index (HI), BruteauIndex (BI), House Pupa Index (HPI), Pupa Index (PI) dihitung untuk menilai kepadatan larva. Dari hasil pengamatan diperoleh 833 kontainer dengan 785 kontainer tergolong CC dan 48 termasuk dalam DC.Controllable Container yang positif larva terbanyak di Kota Tangerang Selatan adalah ember (22,7%),bak (15,5%) dan penampungan air di dispenser (12,4%), sedang Disposible Container yang paling banyak positif larva adalah ember bekas (10,3%) kemudian barang bekas (7,2%). Nilai Container Index(CI) sebesar 11,7% dan House Index (HI) 27,3%, Angka Bebas Jentik (ABJ) 72,7%, dan Bruteau Index(BI) 32,3%. Indeks pupa digambarkan dengan PI 29,3% dan HPI 2,7% yang masih relatif rendah.Wilayah endemis DBD Kota Tangerang Selatan memiliki tingkat risiko sedang dalam penularan DBD. Kata Kunci: DBD, indeks entomologi, Maya Indeks, Tangerang Selatan
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