An End-to-End Conditional Random Fields and Skip-Connected Generative Adversarial Segmentation Network for Remote Sensing Images

Semantic segmentation is an important process of scene recognition with deep learning frameworks achieving state of the art results, thus gaining much attention from the remote sensing community. In this paper, an end-to-end conditional random fields generative adversarial segmentation network is proposed. Three key factors of this algorithm are as follows. First, the network combines generative adversarial network and Bayesian framework to realize the estimation from the prior probability to the posterior probability. Second, the skip connected encoder-decoder network is combined with CRF layer to implement end-to-end network training. Finally, the adversarial loss and the cross-entropy loss guide the training of the segmentation network through back propagation. The experimental results show that our proposed method outperformed FCN in terms of mIoU for 0.0342 and 0.11 on two data sets, respectively.
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