Construction and Practice of “West China Hospital of Sichuan University Online Follow up Mode” for At-risk Population with Coronavirus Disease 2019/ 新型冠状病毒肺炎风险人群在线监测及全流程随访——华西模式构建与实践

The prevention and control of coronavirus disease 2019 is severe In order to reduce the exposure of high-risk population and help home protection for at-risk population, West China Hospital of Sichuan University actively explored the construction and practice of online monitoring and home control systems, established a follow-up work team for at-risk population, formulated standardized work models and procedures, set up an online standardized follow-up information registration form to collect follow-up data, and controlled the process quality through repeated supervision During the epidemic period of coronavirus disease 2019, West China Hospital of Sichuan University online follow-up mode can play a positive supporting role in the epidemic prevention and control and promoting this model has certain reference value for various medical institutions
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