[The recognition by European lynxes (Lynx lynx, Felidae, Carnivora) through urinary odor signals of the species, sex and age of conspecific, familiar and unfamiliar individuals].

: The informative importance of urinary odors, which has virtually not been studied in the wild Felidae, was evaluated in European lynxes kept in captivity. The behavior of lynxes during examination of urine samples was described. The frequency and duration of all reactions were recorded: smelling, flehmen, and rubbing on urine. Significant differences in the reactions to the urine samples were most frequent as concerns the duration of smelling. Sexually mature recipient lynxes distinguished the species (lynx or domestic cat) and sex and age (sexually mature of young) of conspecific individuals and recognized individual urine samples. Presentation of the frozen samples did not increase the duration of any reaction. The role of urine in chemocommunication of lynxes is discussed.
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