A defect in the early phase of T-cell receptor-mediated T-cell activation in patients with common variable immunodeficiency.

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is characterized by an impairment of specific antibody production and a decrease in all or selected Ig isotypes. Abnormalities at the level of the B cells, T cells, and antigen-presenting cells have been described. In the present study, we have focused our attention on T-cell activation in CVID. T cells from 15 of 24 patients failed to respond to recall antigens (eg, tetanus toxoid, Escherichia coli). Of these 15 patients, 11 were studied in detail and showed significantly decreased T-cell proliferative responses and/or decreased interleukin-2 and interferon- gamma production on T-cell receptor-mediated stimulation with recall antigens and superantigens (staphylococcal enterotoxins [SE]); however, T-cell response to mitogens (anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, phytohemagglutinin) was normal. The defect in interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma release on tetanus toxoid stimulation could also be documented in purified CD4 T cells of the patients and was present in patients with high and normal CD8 counts alike. Furthermore, patients' T cells failed to mount a significant elevation in free intracellular calcium (Ca++ flux) in response to superantigen, whereas the response to phorbol myristate acetate and ionomycin, bypassing receptor-mediated signaling, was unimpaired. These results indicate a defect in the early phase of T-cell activation after triggering of the T-cell receptor in a significant subgroup of CVID patients.
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