한국산 길앞잡이 (딱정벌레목, 딱정벌레과)

그 동안 한국산 길앞잡이 종류를 분류하고 동정한 결과 총 1속 10아속 18종을 보고하며, 이중에서 Cicindela (Cylindera) obliquefasciata Adams, 1817(화홍깔다구길앞잡이: 신칭)과 Cicindela(Cephalota) chiloleuca Fisher, 1820(무녀길앞잡이: 신칭)은 한반도에서 처음으로 기록하며,그 목록은 다음과 같다. Heyden(1887)이 보고한 좀길앞잡이(C. japana Motschulsky)의 분포는 의심스럽다. 1. Cicindela(Abrosceiis) anchoralis Chevrolat, 1845 닻무늬길앞잡이 2. C.(Callytron) inspecularis Horn, 1904 흰테길앞잡이 3. C.(Callytron) nivicincta Chevrolat, 1866 바다흰테길앞잡이(신칭) 4. C.(Callytron) yuasai yuasai Nakane, 1955 백제흰테길앞잡이 5. C.(Calomera) brevipilosa Horn, 1908 개야길앞잡이 6. C.(Cephalota) chiloleuca Fisher, 1820 무녀길앞잡이(신칭) 7 C.(Chaerodera) laetescripta Motschulsky, 1860 강변길앞잡이 8. C.(Cicindela) coerulea nitida Lichtenstein, 1797 주홍길앞잡이(=극동길앞잡이) [=Cicindela(Cicindela) coerulea shantungensis Mandl: 한국곤충명집(1994)] 9. C.(Cicindela) gemmata Falderman, 1835 아이누길앞잡이 10. C.(Cicindela) japana Motschulsky, 1857 좀길앞잡이 11. C.(Cicindela) lewisii Bates, 1873 큰무늬길앞잡이 [=Cicindela(Cicindela) lewisi[sic] Bates: 한국곤충명집(1994)] 12. C.(Cicindela) sachalinensis Morawitz, 1862 산길앞잡이 13. C.(Cicindela) transbaicalica Motschulsky, 1845 참길앞잡이(=참뜰길앞잡이, 들길앞잡이, 왜길앞잡이) 14. C.(Cicindela) gracilis Pallas, 1777 깔다구길앞잡이 15. C.(Cicindela) obliquefasciata Adams, 1817 화홍깔다구길앞잡이(신칭) 16. C.(Eugrapha) elisae Motschulsky, 1859 꼬마길앞잡이 17 C.(Myriochila) speculifera Chevrolat, 1845 쇠길앞잡이 [=Cicindela(Myriochile) specularis Chaudoir: 한국곤충명집(1994)] 18. C.(Sophiodela) chinensis De Geer, 1774 길앞잡이 【Tiger Beetles(Carabidae, Cicindelinae) were collected in the Province of Chollabukdo including some nearby islands from April 1997 to October 2002. The specimens of ca. 500 deposited in Sunchon National University, Chonbuk National University, the Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum, and elsewhere were also examined. As a result, Korean Cicindelinae of 18 species from 10 subgenera is reported herein. Of these, Cicindela (Cylindera) obliquefasciata Adams, 1817 and Cicindeia (Cephalota) chiloleuca Fisher, 1820 are recorded newly in the Korean Peninsula. However, the distribution of C. japana is very doubtful in South Korea. This study also includes a key to the species, discussions on the habitats, distributions, and some ecological characteristics of Korean Cicindelinae.】
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