Association between Cryptococcus laurentii and Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Ninety five samples of plant debris collected from November 1993 to July 1995 under the canopies of Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation in the northeastern state of Sergipe, Brazil, were examined for yeast of the genus Cryptococcus growth. C. laurentii was repeatedly isolated from samples collected under the canopies of the trees during all the period of study. The long lasting positivity suggest colonization of these microenviroments and point to a saprobiotic natural of C. laurentii related to E. camaldulensis. Flower buds and green leaves, also examined, produced negative results. Essential oils extracted from E. camaldulensis showed ability to inhibit the growth of C. laurentii and both varieties of C. neoformans.These findings argue against the possibility of endophytic relation between these yeasts and E. camaldulensis.(AU)
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