Horta e pomar agroecológico para uma educação ambiental ecomunitarista e agroecológica no Colégio Estadual Sinésio da Costa (CESC), Riacho de Santana, BA

The present report aims to present briefly actions and feasibility of one project implementedsince September 2015 at the Sinesio da Costa State College (CESC), located in Riacho ofSantana – BA, Brazil. The environmental education community-based on the principles ofAgroecology Education is still a relatively unexplored issue in the context of public schools inthe state of Bahia, Brazil. In this sense, the ongoing CESC project is based on the agroecologicaland organic systems, with a recent insertion in the Educational Policy Project of this scholland allowing a greater participation of the school community, problematization and contextualization,besides to propose sustainable alternatives to the supply of healthy foods produced in small spaces. Furthermore, this project is in line with the Territorial Plan for Sustainable RuralDevelopment of Velho Chico, which fosters training in environmental education for young people,students and teachers.
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