Is the Origin of So-Called “Jumbling of Object” Only by Bilateral Peripheral-Vestibular Lesions?

Persistent blurred vision and oscillopsia have negative impact on the Quality of Life, and the burden of these symptoms is more severe than that of rotational vertigoiginous attack. We, doctors, should take patient’s pain as our own and treat patients accordingly. However, because these cases are rather rare in daily clinical situation, in reality, we tend to treat these patients as neurosis cases and send them home without providing adequate care. We have conducted a retrospective study with 182 recently treated clinical cases and found that “jumbling of object,” which is thought to be caused by bilateral peripheral vestibular lesions, was more often observed in cases with central vestibular lesions. We named this as “Pseudo-Dandy-Syndrome”. We would like to discuss pathophysiology and treatment of this “Pseudo-Dandy-Syndrome”.
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