Lectin of Bacillus subtilis sp. as overinducer of gamma-interferonogenesis.

: It has been demonstrated experimentally that lectin of Bacillus subtilis sp. in comparison with generally accepted Con A, PHA and lectin of "gold rain" grass--Laburnum anagyroides M e d i k in trials on white mice of CBA line gave in 4 hours of induction maximal titers of gamma-IFN in blood serum of animals--153.6 +/- 17.0 IU/ml. Practically identical titers had been obtained after induction by lectin "gold rain", some lower--after Con A and PHA. At swine gamma-IFN synthesis optimal density of cell suspension must contain 2.5 + 10(7) immunocytes in 1 ml, owing to which it is possible to obtain the titer equal 1 : 2150. Materials with using of bacterial lectins at various degree of purification had shown that maximal titers in blood serum of mongrel white mice were registered at administration to animals of non-purified lectin, 4 times lower--at using of half-purified and purified lectins. Data of these trials in vivo were confirmed by materials of gamma-IFN induction by immunocytes of swine, cattle and even man.
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