Adipose-derived Stem/Stromal Cells on Electrospun Fibrin Microfiber Bundles Enable Moderate Muscle Reconstruction in a Volumetric Muscle Loss Model:

Current treatment options for volumetric muscle loss (VML) are limited due to donor site morbidity, lack of donor tissue, and insufficient functional recovery. Tissue-engineered skeletal muscle grafts offer the potential to significantly improve functional outcomes. In this study, we assessed the potential pro-myogenic effects of human adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) seeded onto electrospun uniaxially aligned fibrin hydrogel microfiber bundles. Although both uninduced and 5-azacytidine-induced ASCs exhibited alignment, elongation, and diffuse muscle marker expression when grown on microfiber bundles for 2 months in vitro, both groups failed to fully recapitulate myotube characteristics. To assess the muscle regeneration potential of ASCs in vivo, ASC-seeded fibrin microfiber bundles were implanted in a robust murine VML defect model. Minimal fibrosis was observed surrounding implanted acellular hydrogel fibers at 2 and 4 weeks, and fibers seeded with ASCs exhibited up to 4 times higher volume retention ...
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